Web Management Video Tutorials

本节将解释如何在公开大学校园内的网站上编辑信息 system. 每个链接涵盖了一个视频教程的不同主题,包括文字记录.


Video Transcript

  1. 在这个视频中,我将向你展示如何进入开放大学校园并找到你的网页 JU.edu
  2. First, go to any page on the shenyangzuche.net website. For this example, I’ll use the homepage. But this process works on any shenyangzuche.net webpage. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the copyright symbol on the bottom left. It will take you to a login page asking for your username and password. You don’t have to have the @shenyangzuche.net at the end of your username. Hit login. It will take you back to the page. If you get an error 消息说你没有编辑页面的权限,别担心! You can still get to your webpage.
  3. 将鼠标悬停在内容按钮上,然后单击下拉菜单中的“Pages”图标 that appears. 这应该会给你一张大学里所有网站的清单.
  4. From here, we will navigate to our site. So, for this example, I want to go to the marketing website. So in this filter, I’ll type in ‘marcom’. You can scroll through the list, but I feel using filter is easier. Marcom is brought up, so I’ll click on 这个网站,它把我带到了一个营销网站的页面列表. To go back 在页面列表中,点击左上角页面名称旁边的house图标.
  5. I want to go to the homepage in marketing. The homepage in any given site will be named ‘index.pcf.’
  6. That’s all you have to do to browse to a certain page. Now, to go back, you can hover over content and go back to pages again. Or hit the pages button, up beside your checked out page.
  7. That’s all there is to it!

Video Transcript

  1. You can insert an image one of two ways. The first is to right click in the content region, and click the insert image button. The second is to press the image icon in 工具栏,在图片中显示为两座山.
  2. 在屏幕上显示的框中,用放大镜单击该文件的图标 over it. This will let us browse for our image. Once there, browse for the correct folder for you website. 标题将是相同的网站的名称扩展看到 here in the URL.
  3. 进入正确的文件夹后,导航到其中的“img”文件夹旁边. Every site folder has an img subfolder. From there, you can choose an already uploaded image, or upload one yourself. 要上传图像,请点击右上角的绿色上传按钮 corner.
  4. 现在,您可以单击并拖动图像文件从您的计算机到这个 框,或按绿色上传按钮浏览图像. Once you’ve selected your image, you may find that you cannot fully upload it. Make sure the filename of your image isn’t red. If it is, you will need to rename it. Hover over the red name and press the Rename option that appears. Spaces and special characters are not allowed. 如果您正在使用与您当前的映像相同的文件名覆盖先前的映像 请在上传之前选中“覆盖”按钮.
  5. Once the image is uploaded, click Insert. Before we can push it to the page, we need to also add a description. The description is necessary for Accessibility reasons. 有视觉问题和使用屏幕阅读器等辅助技术的人会这样做 hear this description in place of the image. Try to make it descriptive of the image, but not overly so. 全球网络赌博平台有一张考拉爬树的照片,所以我要 write in the description.
  6. 完成后,继续将图像插入页面. From here, we can 通过用鼠标选择图像,然后单击白色小框来调整图像的大小 that appear on the sides. 此外,全球网络赌博平台可以通过右键单击添加到图像的链接 on it and pressing insert edit link. This will allow a user to go to a separate web page by pressing on the image. 你可以在市场营销中找到关于添加链接的教程 and communications web tutorials page.

Video Transcript

  1. 在这个视频中,我将展示如何将文档插入到网页中. Once you've found your page of choice, hit the green main content button.
  2. You can insert a document one of two ways. The first is to highlight a line of text, 右键单击内容区域,然后单击插入/编辑链接按钮. The second is to press the chainlink icon in the toolbar.
  3. 点击上面有放大镜的文件图标. Once the box pops up, you should see a ‘docs’ folder. If not, click the ‘www’ in the upper left, and you should see a list of websites show up. Browse for the correct folder of your website, and you’ll find the ‘docs’ folder within it.
  4. 从那里,你可以选择一个已经上传的文档,或者自己上传一个. To 上传一个文档,点击右上角的上传按钮.
  5. 现在,您可以从计算机中单击并拖动文档文件到此框中, or press the green Add button to browse for it. Once you’ve selected your document, you may find that it gives you an error message. Make sure the filename of your image isn’t red. If it is, you will need to rename it. Hover over the red name and press the Rename option that appears. Make sure it has no spaces and special characters. Click outside the file and the error should go away. If you are overwriting a previous 与当前上传的文件具有相同文件名的文件,选中“覆盖” button before uploading. Once the document is uploaded, click Insert.
  6. Then, hit okay. 这将把你在开头突出显示的文本变成一个链接. Next, hit the Save and Exit button in the top left. Then, make sure you've published your page or the link won't work.
  7. 现在页面已经发布,全球网络赌博平台想要检查按钮是否被正确链接. 所以全球网络赌博平台点击屏幕底部的“在新窗中查看”按钮. 现在,当您点击链接时,它应该在新选项卡中打开文档或 download it.
  8. That's all there is to it! Thanks for watching.

Video Transcript

  1. 这个视频将展示如何在全球网络赌博平台的网页上添加一个图片库. Before we can insert 一个相册到全球网络赌博平台的页面,首先全球网络赌博平台需要创建它. After logging in, hover 在顶部工具栏的Content按钮上方,然后单击Assets下拉菜单. From 在这里,你可以选择一个照片库,如果你已经创建了它,或者如果你想做 a new one, click the New button in the upper right.
  2. Then, select image gallery. Next, give your gallery a name. it may be helpful to name it after the web page you're inserting it into. If you'd like, you can also add a description to help you remember what it's for. But it isn't mandatory, and no one outside of OU Campus will see it. leave the tags field blank. Next, hit the create button in the bottom right corner.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page. In the box labeled "Images", you can drag and drop 图片从你的电脑到这个区域,或点击灰色的添加按钮浏览他们. 注意,我选择了宽度和高度相等的图像. To keep 图库大小一致,只上传800px宽500px高的图片. 另外,尽量不要向任何给定的图片库上传超过五张的图片. Most 访问该网站的用户不会关注那么长时间. Now that our images are uploaded, there are four attributes we can fill out. Title, Description, Caption, and Link. 确保用一两句话简洁地描述标题 what the image displays. 第一个例子是一朵雏菊在长满草的地方,所以 that's what I'll write. I'll do something similar for the next image as well. Whatever 你写的时候,要确保它是对图像的恰当描述,就像在描述它 someone who can't see it or read it. For now, we'll skip the next three sections.
  4. 一旦你上传完你的照片并给他们一个标题,全球网络赌博平台就会点击 blue Save button in the bottom right. Then, the green publish button at the top. After 如果发布成功,全球网络赌博平台将返回到全球网络赌博平台的网页.
  5. Then, we'll press the main content button. Next, we're going to insert the photogallery. 在页面上留出一些空间,将光标放置在您希望图库的位置,然后 click the "Insert Asset" button up at the top. It will be beside the puzzle piece icon. Next, we'll find our asset. I remember mine's name, so I'll go to the "Filter By Name" box and start typing letters until I find it. Once you've found it, hit the insert button in the bottom right. You should get a box that states that "The Asset Cannot be Shown.全球网络赌博平台要做的就是点击左上角的保存退出按钮, and the photo gallery should show up.
  6. That's all there is to it! Thanks for watching.

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